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  2. Manglar
17 Seguidores

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Trabaja en Manglar

Manglar turns every millimeter of your crop into knowledge. Our platform processes and transforms hundreds of thousands of pieces of data into useful, clear, and detailed information that is easy to understand and exploit.

Sobre nosotros

Manglar is a highly specialized, ultra-high-resolution, AI-powered crop analytics platform. Our goal is to improve agricultural productivity and fight food insecurity worldwide. We not only address some of the challenges the world is facing, such as population growth, limited arable land, climate change, and labor shortages, but also help farmers maximize their yields and minimize their environmental footprint.

Our platform offers features to protect crops, use agrochemicals more efficiently, maximize land use, control productivity, and optimize field work. We provide insights on population, measure and project growth, evaluate threats, and assess terrain.

We use images that are 200 times better than the best commercial satellite and build robust, accurate, and detailed AI models. We take censuses of all plants and eliminate errors associated with sampling. We also closely monitor crops from germination to harvest and see the field as a human does.

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